Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Almost Done

So the Get Made Holiday came and went. I stayed up till 1:30 in the morning the night before getting everything in order for the show. Show day comes my oldest daughter's soccer game was at 1:00, and at 2:00 I was rushing to get to the show. My friend Ruth couldn't be there so she sent her sister-in-law Christy to set up and sell her wares. Christy had our table set up when I got there. Cool! The space was extremely tight. We had a long day of rain and the outside booths had to move inside. It was very cozy for everyone. The rain unfortunately kept away customers. Didn't sell one item. At 8:00 I felt that I was getting a cold and decided to call it an evening. My oldest had strep throat the week before so I thought for sure that that's was I was coming down with. Luckily it was just a cold. My little space turned out pretty cool. Here is a couple of pictures. It was great to go out and meet everyone in Craft Mafia who I had not had a chance to get to know. Still quite a few that I need to meet still. Everyone is so nice and encouraging. Fun to meet people whos blogs that you read or websites that you have visited. Overall it was an experience. Even though I didn't sell anything this time around, I am glad that I had more than enough items to set out. Here is a picture of my space and my vintage button rings that I made. I tried to get these in better focus but that's the best that I could do. So now on to the next project finishing my notereading/shorthand class. I just received my final via email and have three pages left on my last lesson which I should be doing now, but I'm not. I opted to blog. Much more fun.

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